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Tacos \El Pata\ is located in León, Mexico on Av Paseo del Moral 801, Valle del Campestre. Tacos \El Pata\ is rated 4.4 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Mexico.
Wonderful! Nice staff, very clean. They tacos were all delicious with many tasty sauces to choose from. It was my second visit and I will most definitely return. I actually did return, today. Once again, great!
These were very delicious! I was only sad that I only ordered 2. Definitely get a minimum of 3 tacos they are small but delicious!
Very good tacos I ordered the al pasto tacos. They were small, don’t order less than 3. I ordered 2 and wanted more!
Th staff is great; excellent customer service. They have vegetarian options, yay! :)
This place was absolutely delicious! One of my favorite places in Leon
Tacos \El Pata\
Av Paseo del Moral 801 Valle del Campestre37150 LeónGto.Mexico
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